Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, March 23, 2012

Recent Pictures

Here are a couple of pictures from this week. Taylor started eating really well this week. She has been eating twice a day and so far she likes oatmeal not rice cereal. I'm hoping to start sweet potatoes on Monday and a new vegetable every four days or so there after. I'll keep you posted on what she likes and what she doesn't. Hopefully she'll like everything and not be picky like me. :-)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

St. Patty's Day Pictures

I don't really like this picture but it's a good one of her shirt.  :-)

6 Month Check Up

I took Taylor to the doctor last week for her 6 month check up and shots. She weighed 13.5 lbs and was 25 in long. The doctor said everything looks good based on her 4 month and 12 day gestation age.

I weighed her today and she finally weighs 14 lbs!!!! Here are some recent pictures from last week.

This picture is a bit blurry but I thought it was cute. This was the first time in her jumper.

Friday, March 9, 2012

6 Months Old

Taylor is 6 months old ! It's crazy how fast she has grown. I will take her Monday for her 6 month check up so I'll update y'all on her length and weight then. Here are some things she has been doing. She can roll over from her back to stomach and stomach to back. She is starting to scoot on her belly while bending her legs she just needs to keep her arms up. She is grabbing at her toys and loves to grab at her feet. She is starting to giggle when I play with her which is really cute. She will talk and babble all day. She loves to talk to her toys and the other morning I fell asleep and I woke up to her babbling away its really funny. Sometimes we can hardly hear the T.V. She has been eating rice cereal and oatmeal but just likes to spit it out. She likes to try and blow bubbles with it  as well which is very messy. I'm sure she'll get the hang of it eventually. She is sleeping through the night for the most part. She usually goes to bed around 8 or 8:30 and sleeps till around 4 or 5, eats and then sleeps till about 7 or 8am. She loves to sleep so during the day she takes a couple of naps usually one around noon for at least an hour or more. Then another one around 5 or 6 which lasts for only 30 mins or so depending on what we are doing. She loves her swing and will sit in it and just look at everything. She also loves to be in the Bjorn. I can go anywhere and if she is in it she is watching everything and drooling all over it. Here are some pictures. She didn't want to smile she just wanted to play with her legs. I'll take some more without the bow too.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Taylor gets her ears pierced

This past weekend we finally took Taylor to get her ears pierced. I was putting it off because I didn't want it to hurt her. She did really well she started getting fussy right before because she hadn't been able to take her afternoon nap. The poor picture looks as though we did something horrible to her. I think it was a combo between no nap and the pierced ears or at least I'd like to think that.  :-) Within 5 minutes she was fast asleep.

Here are a couple of recent pictures. The other day I found these cute sunglasses and just had to buy them. She was so funny with them on, she never once touched them or tried to take them off. She just smiled.